$12.50 $14.25
Feature summary Dark purple, loaded with powerful antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, good fatty acids, and...
$13.50 $5.75
Helps to support and maintain cardiovascular health. An antioxidant for the maintenance of good health....
$11.75 $13.50
Feature summary The evidence for grape seed’s health benefits continues to mount. Clinical studies on...
$13.00 $15.00
Feature summary Superior potency grape seed extract is a 100:1 concentrate guaranteed to contain a...
$14.75 $17.25
Feature summary Our most potent Lutein supplement contains 20 mg of FloraGLO® plus Zeaxanthin making...
$14.75 $17.25
Feature summary Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the leading cause of blindness in adults 65...
$12.25 $14.00
Feature summary The leading cause of blindness in adults over 40 is the degeneration of...
$11.75 $13.50
Feature summary Resveratrol is found naturally in a variety of plants such as red grapes...
$12.25 $14.00
Feature summary SuperVision® Eye Formula with Lutein supports healthy vision, for life. A lifetime of...
$13.00 $15.00
Feature summary CoQ10 is often compared to a cellular "spark plug". It ignites the cells...
$13.25 $15.25
Feature summary In this potent concentrate it takes 36 grams of cranberries to make 1...
$5.50 $6.50
Feature summary Vitamin C is known for its antioxidant and infection-fighting properties. It is an...
$5.50 $6.50
Feature summary Vitamin C is crucial to the immune system and cardiovascular health. It also...
$10.30 $12.00
Feature summary A combination of the most well-researched and powerful antioxidants, E+3 is a convenient...
$10.30 $12.00
Feature summary Vitamin E is the premier nutrient for checking and disarming health threatening free...
$12.50 $14.25
產品介紹 藍莓是大自然中第一號抗衰老食物。主要功能為提高視力 ,增強記憶力, 改善心臟功能 ,抗氧化, 抗癌 ,抑制腫瘤生長, 維護尿道健康 。美國《時代雜誌》所選出的十大健康食品之一 。 藍莓富含有藍莓花青素(Blueberry anthocyanins),它是有利於人體的抗氧化物質。藍莓花青素是優秀的對抗自由基的元素,並且現己為人知的許多保健功效為--預防心血管疾病、糖 尿病、老年失智癥、癌癥,以及黃斑部退化和白內障等退化性眼疾方面,扮演了重要的角色,同時也證實有助於減少乳癌的發生率。另外,藍莓花青素亦可改善眼睛 的微血管循環,增加眼內用來夜視的「視紫質」,保持眼部健康。 藍莓在日本被稱為「視力果」!除此之外,美國農業部人類老化營養研究中心,也提出實驗報告說,藍莓的抗氧化作用為蔬果之冠!也就是說藍莓可有效預防老化,此外,藍莓還具有對抗心臟疾病、癌癥與健全腸胃,消除傷痕、皺紋與靜脈瘤之效,以及能恢複皮膚亮麗等美容效果。...
$14.00 $16.25
Feature summary Nothing can make a woman's life quite so miserable as a urinary tract...
$8.00 $9.25
產品介紹 Alpha Lipolic Acid硫辛酸是自然界有效的抗氧化劑及抗發炎劑,科學證實硫辛酸為水溶性及脂溶性的雙重細胞抗氧化劑,因此比起一般常見的抗氧化劑其功效更為顯著,是抗 氧化物之中的抗氧化物。 阻止膠原蛋白硬化,迅速修復問題肌膚。可還原所有網絡抗氧化物,例如維他命C、E、Q10。消除致命自由基,保護腎臟、胰臟、肝臟、神經細胞,減輕糖尿 病、關節炎、老化、肝硬化、心臟病、退化性神經疾病。硫辛酸為抗氧化劑, 在食物的新陳代謝中它扮演極重要角色, 幫助我們把吃入的食物轉換成能量並且能成為有效的的清肝解毒劑。 如果有脂肪肝現象; 硫辛酸能用來促進膽汁增生給肝養份,有助於體力好更有排毒、清除重金屬的功能。它同時也幫助防止身體結構氧化所造成損傷,是有效的抗氧化物。而且硫辛酸還 能大大增強維他命C和E的作用。硫辛酸可溶於水及脂肪, 所以可以和其他氧化物產生相互作用, 提高細胞內抗氧化系統的作用, 重建循環其他抗氧化物。此外它還能將葡萄糖脂肪酸和其他有用的能量來轉換成化學能量提高麩胱甘肋(glutathione)水平。扮演著平衡血醣的角色....
$14.50 $16.75
產品作用 幫助預防和治療尿道感染 利尿作用 強效抗氧劑 超級濃縮配方 产品介绍 蔓 越莓精華是從蔓越莓汁濃 縮而成的軟膠囊, 可用於長期防止泌尿道感染, 另外可幫助泌尿道受到病菌感染的患者, 避免大量攝取蔓越莓汁. 泌尿道感染病菌(UTI bacteria)會產生黏膜,...