$17.00 $19.50
Regular functioning of the body is a reflection of a relaxed, healthy lifestyle. Our digestive...
$14.75 $17.25
Feature summary Complete Digestive Enzymes from webber naturals® are full-spectrum enzymes - meaning this formula...
$14.00 $16.25
Feature summary Anyone striving to maintain good health can benefit from probiotics. To maintain a...
$14.00 $16.25
Feature summary Healthy gut microflora — friendly intestinal bacteria that live in the digestive tract...
$5.00 $5.75
Feature summary Enzymes are essential for digestion and providing cellular energy. Our bodies produce enzymes...
$7.25 $8.25
Feature summary Ginger, the horizontal stem (called a rhizome) of Zingiber officinale is one of...
$10.00 $11.50
Feature summary Bloating, abdominal pain, and infrequent elimination are indicative of constipation. When healthy bowel...
$16.00 $18.50
Feature summary Lactase Enzyme, Extra Strength, provides relief from lactose intolerance by improving digestion of...
$4.25 $5.00
Feature summary Papaya Enzymes, with Bromelain & Amylase, from papaya fruit, help the body digest...
$9.50 $11.00
Feature summary Peppermint conjures up thoughts of a candy canes, throat lozenges or digestive teas...
$4.25 $4.75
Feature summary Bifidobacteria are the most important bacteria in the large intestine. They lower the...
$12.50 $14.50
Feature summary Turmeric and Bromelain help inflammatory conditions and help enhance digestion. Bromelain is an...
$8.25 $9.50
產品介紹Feature summary 該益生菌產品是乳酸菌組合,促進腸道的消化。 嗜酸通過產生乳酸來抑制酵母生長,使小腸保持一個適當的pH值平衡。研究表明,嗜酸乳桿菌能有效地減少乳糖不耐癥的發生,抑制無益微生物在腸中的生長,改善的膽固醇水平和控制腹瀉。 鼠李糖乳桿菌可能是最重要的益生菌種之一。它保護腸道的粘液,防止毒素到達血液,能非常有效地抑制致病的病原體。它甚至能幫助保持口氣清新。 B.bifidus有助於保持大腸的兒童和成人的健康,促進正常排便,保護我們的身體免受酵母和細菌病原體如大腸桿菌,梭狀芽孢桿菌和誌賀氏菌感染。 FOS代表低聚果糖。這種活細菌的天然飼料,能促進活性菌在消化道的繁殖,以延長其健康益處。 產品特色Main selling features 1. 高效力--...
$5.00 $5.75
產品介紹 蘋果醋營養豐富,含有果膠、維生素、礦物質 (磷和鉀) 及酵素。純天然植物減肥膠囊,能有效的燃燒體內已經存積多余脂肪, 達到體重控制的效果,絕無副作用,。 蘋果醋的酸性成份具殺菌功效,能清洗消化道,有助排除關節、血管及器官的毒素;果膠能幫助排泄;磷遏止致腐細菌生長;鉀能滋潤細胞及平衡鈉含量。 產品特色 •膠囊形態,服用方便•取自於100% 蘋果醋•富含酶,鉀和硼•90粒和240粒兩種包裝 藥用成分 每粒膠囊含有 蘋果醋粉(海棠樟子松)(水果)...