$12.50 $14.25
Feature summary Dark purple, loaded with powerful antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, good fatty acids, and...
$7.00 $8.25
Feature summary Black cohosh is an indigenous herb in the United States and Canada with...
$16.75 $19.25
Feature summary CinnulinPF® Cinnamon Extract is ideal for pre-diabetics and type 2 diabetics. Adding this form...
$16.75 $19.25
Feature summary Diabetes, the result of an inability to keep blood sugar levels within normal...
$8.00 $9.25
Feature summary Garlic is one of the oldest known herbal remedies for a variety of...
$7.25 $8.25
Feature summary Ginger, the horizontal stem (called a rhizome) of Zingiber officinale is one of...
$15.00 $17.50
Feature summary The leaves of the ancient Ginkgo Biloba tree have been used in Traditional...
$11.75 $13.50
Feature summary The evidence for grape seed’s health benefits continues to mount. Clinical studies on...
$13.00 $15.00
Feature summary Superior potency grape seed extract is a 100:1 concentrate guaranteed to contain a...
$10.00 $11.50
Feature summary Bloating, abdominal pain, and infrequent elimination are indicative of constipation. When healthy bowel...
$12.50 $14.25
Feature summary The liver is the body’s chief detoxifying organ, responsible for breaking down toxins...
$14.75 $17.25
Feature summary Our most potent Lutein supplement contains 20 mg of FloraGLO® plus Zeaxanthin making...
$12.25 $14.00
Feature summary The leading cause of blindness in adults over 40 is the degeneration of...
$15.50 $17.15
Feature summary More than just a delightful beverage, green tea has an established reputation for...
$11.75 $13.50
Feature summary Green Tea Extract is one of only a few natural dietary supplements that ...
$16.00 $18.25
Feature summary Raspberry ketones have rapidly become a leading supplement for people who want...
$11.75 $13.50
Feature summary Many health factors can give rise to migraine headaches, and nutritional supplements...
$12.50 $14.25
Feature summary Potent and effective, Milk Thistle Extract from webber naturals® is standardized to 80%...
$21.50 $24.75
Feature summary Your liver works hard to filter toxins out of your body. But in...
$8.00 $9.25
Feature summary New from webber naturals®—another powerful tool in the Glucose Balanceline! Mulberry Plus Chromium...
$9.50 $11.00
Feature summary Peppermint conjures up thoughts of a candy canes, throat lozenges or digestive teas...
$8.25 $9.50
Feature summary Is your schedule overflowing with work, school, and family activities? Could you use...
$11.50 $13.25
Feature summary Almost all men over 50 will experience some degree of prostate enlargement. This...
$8.75 $10.00
Feature summary Studies show that people taking St. John's wort experience natural mood elevation and...
$11.50 $13.25
Feature summary Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is a common condition affecting many older men. Cell...
$12.50 $14.25
產品介紹 藍莓是大自然中第一號抗衰老食物。主要功能為提高視力 ,增強記憶力, 改善心臟功能 ,抗氧化, 抗癌 ,抑制腫瘤生長, 維護尿道健康 。美國《時代雜誌》所選出的十大健康食品之一 。 藍莓富含有藍莓花青素(Blueberry anthocyanins),它是有利於人體的抗氧化物質。藍莓花青素是優秀的對抗自由基的元素,並且現己為人知的許多保健功效為--預防心血管疾病、糖 尿病、老年失智癥、癌癥,以及黃斑部退化和白內障等退化性眼疾方面,扮演了重要的角色,同時也證實有助於減少乳癌的發生率。另外,藍莓花青素亦可改善眼睛 的微血管循環,增加眼內用來夜視的「視紫質」,保持眼部健康。 藍莓在日本被稱為「視力果」!除此之外,美國農業部人類老化營養研究中心,也提出實驗報告說,藍莓的抗氧化作用為蔬果之冠!也就是說藍莓可有效預防老化,此外,藍莓還具有對抗心臟疾病、癌癥與健全腸胃,消除傷痕、皺紋與靜脈瘤之效,以及能恢複皮膚亮麗等美容效果。...
$5.00 $5.75
產品介紹 蘋果醋營養豐富,含有果膠、維生素、礦物質 (磷和鉀) 及酵素。純天然植物減肥膠囊,能有效的燃燒體內已經存積多余脂肪, 達到體重控制的效果,絕無副作用,。 蘋果醋的酸性成份具殺菌功效,能清洗消化道,有助排除關節、血管及器官的毒素;果膠能幫助排泄;磷遏止致腐細菌生長;鉀能滋潤細胞及平衡鈉含量。 產品特色 •膠囊形態,服用方便•取自於100% 蘋果醋•富含酶,鉀和硼•90粒和240粒兩種包裝 藥用成分 每粒膠囊含有 蘋果醋粉(海棠樟子松)(水果)...
$14.50 $16.75
產品作用 幫助預防和治療尿道感染 利尿作用 強效抗氧劑 超級濃縮配方 产品介绍 蔓 越莓精華是從蔓越莓汁濃 縮而成的軟膠囊, 可用於長期防止泌尿道感染, 另外可幫助泌尿道受到病菌感染的患者, 避免大量攝取蔓越莓汁. 泌尿道感染病菌(UTI bacteria)會產生黏膜,...
$10.00 $11.50
產品介紹 是不是感覺自己越來越健忘?銀杏葉也許可以幫到您。 银杏叶是一种具有很高药用价值的植物。科學實驗證明,銀杏葉能夠促進血液和氧氣在大腦的流動,是一種能促進記憶和認知能力的天然草藥。同時可以保護缺血心肌,減少心率失常的發生。此外,銀杏葉還有清除自由基、抗脂質過氧化、抗血小板活化因子、抑制血小板聚集、降血脂等作用。 臨床上,銀杏葉常用於降低人體血液中膽固醇水平,防止動脈硬化,輔助治療糖尿病,以及降低脂質過氧化水平,減少雀斑,潤澤肌膚,美麗容顏,對婦女更年期綜合症更是有有明顯的改善作用 50:1 高強度萃取 標準化提取方式(24%的黃酮苷,6%萜內酯) 本產品有 60, 90 或 180 粒三種包裝 藥用成份 每粒含:...