$24.50 $28.25
Daily multi vitamin and mineral supplement with Co Q10 to support cardiovascular health. To function...
$27.00 $32.00
Daily multi vitamin and mineral supplement to help the body metabolize carbohydrates, fats and proteins....
$16.25 $18.75
Multi vitamin and mineral supplement for the maintenance of good health. To function at an...
$8.50 $10.00
產品介紹 Omega-3必需脂肪酸是兒童大腦及眼睛發育的必需營養物質。然而許多兒童由於攝取的營養不夠,長期缺乏這些必需脂肪酸,從而造成註意力不集中,免疫力差及過敏和濕疹等發育不足。Omega-3 DHA可以幫助大腦和眼睛的發育,是視力和神經系統發育的重要因素。研究表明,每日補充Omega-3的孩子集中力更高,記憶力更好。Treehouse的Omega-3液體魚油代替了吞咽的膠囊,更易兒童服用和吸收。天然甜美的檸檬口味小朋友更加喜歡! 主要作用 Omega-3脂肪酸的最佳來源,DPA和DHA可以維護良好的身體健康 幫助加強記憶力和認知力 促進大腦,眼睛和神經系統發育 藥用成份 每茶匙(5毫升)含有魚油(金槍魚)5毫升,ω-3脂肪酸245毫克,提供:二十碳五烯酸(EPA)45毫克,二十二碳六烯酸(DHA)200毫克。 非藥用成分 純淨水,甘油,木糖醇,阿拉伯膠,瓜爾膠,黃原膠,檸檬香精,檸檬酸,迷迭香,生育酚,抗壞血酸棕櫚酸酯,香草醛,山梨酸,薑黃,EDTA ...
$8.50 $9.50
產品介紹 快速的生活節奏和挑食的習慣都會造成兒童營養不良,從而造成發育緩慢或者不夠健康。每日補充足夠的維生素極為重要,不但可以維護整體健康,對兒童青少年的骨骼,牙齒及大腦發育都起到重要作用。Treehouse綜合維生素及礦物質含有人體必需的營養成分,可被兒童安全服用,絕無人工色素,香精,防腐劑或阿斯巴甜。天然水果口味、小烏龜造型,所有3歲以上的小朋友都喜歡,是您的放心之選! 藥用成分 每片含: 維生素A(棕櫚酸),480微克RAE(1600 IU)維生素D3(膽鈣化醇)10微克(400國際單位),維生素B1(鹽酸硫胺)1.5毫克,維生素B2(核黃素)1.5毫克,煙酰胺8毫克,維生素B6(鹽酸吡哆醇),1毫克,維生素B12(氰鈷胺素)3微克,葉酸(葉酸)0.1毫克,維生素C(抗壞血酸)50毫克。 非藥用成分 檸檬酸,葡萄糖,果糖,自然色(紅與靛藍胭脂紅,胭脂紅,薑黃)天然源味(橙,草莓,藍莓,木莓),三氯半乳蔗糖和蔬菜級硬脂酸鎂(潤滑劑)。 用法用量 3歲以上:每日咀嚼1片或遵醫囑。請將本品放在兒童不能接觸的地方。
$8.50 $9.50
產品介紹 快速的生活節奏和挑食的習慣都會造成兒童營養不良,從而造成發育緩慢或者不夠健康。每日補充足夠的維生素極為重要,不但可以維護整體健康,對兒童青少年的骨骼,牙齒及大腦發育都起到重要作用。Treehouse綜合維生素及礦物質含有人體必需的營養成分,可被兒童安全服用,絕無人工色素,香精,防腐劑或阿斯巴甜。熱帶水果口味、小兔子造型,所有3歲以上的小朋友都喜歡,是您的放心之選! 藥用成分 每片含: 維生素A(棕櫚酸),480微克RAE(1600 IU)維生素D3(膽鈣化醇)10微克(400國際單位),維生素B1(鹽酸硫胺)1.5毫克,維生素B2(核黃素)1.5毫克,煙酰胺8毫克,維生素B6(鹽酸吡哆醇),1毫克,維生素B12(氰鈷胺素)3微克,葉酸(葉酸)0.1毫克,維生素C(抗壞血酸)50毫克。 非藥用成分 木糖醇,天然香料(熱帶水果和wildberry),檸檬酸,麥芽糖糊精,植物油級硬脂酸鎂(潤滑劑),自然色(紅球甘藍,紅蘿蔔),甜菊葉,微晶纖維素,二氧化矽,改性食品澱粉。 用法用量 4歲以上:每天咀嚼1片或遵醫囑。隨餐服用。須與其他藥物間隔2-3小時服用.
$5.75 $6.75
產品介紹 兒童不斷發育的身體需要維生素C,可以幫助身體吸收鈣和鐵, 是骨骼,牙齒,牙齦,軟骨和血管發育必不可少的營養物質。維生素C可以幫助治割傷和擦傷,增強人體的免疫系統,減少患傳染性疾病的風險。維生素C也是一種 抗氧化劑,可以保護細胞免受氧化損傷和過度炎癥,並幫助兒童體內維生素E的形成。 Treehouse 兒童維生素C咀嚼片是一款抗壞血酸鈣形式的維生素C,它含有鈣元素,可以強健骨骼和牙齒,並支持神經和肌肉功能的良好發育。它還有助於血液凝塊,並激活酶,將食物轉化為能量。 咀嚼維生素C是非酸性的,對牙齒和腸胃沒有傷害。它的甜味是木糖醇,通過證明有助於防止蛀牙和細菌的形成。天然熱帶水果口味是4-8歲孩子的最愛! 主要作用 幫助骨骼,軟骨,牙齒和牙齦的生長與發育 有助於結締組織形成 幫助傷口愈合 維護身體健康的抗氧化劑 提供鈣元素,結合維生素D,健康的飲食和適量的鍛煉可以減少患骨質疏松的風險 藥用成份...
$8.50 $10.00
產品介紹 嬰兒和兒童需要維生素D來維持正常的生長和發育。維生素D缺乏症的兒童非常多,維生素D主要靠陽光在皮膚上形成,但在寒冷的北方,皮膚不能得到足夠的陽光照射,而夏天為了防曬皮膚又會被衣服遮蓋所以不能獲得足夠的陽光,所以兒童自身不能產生足夠的維生素D。醫生建議,所有年齡階段的兒童都需要補充維生素D3。 維生素D3是皮膚自然形成的,研究表明,陽光維生素D對鈣和磷吸收起到關鍵作用,是維護骨骼和牙齒生長的重要營養物質。同時維生素D對兒童心血管,免疫力和神經系統的發育都有良好幫助。美國兒童學會推薦每日攝取維生素D3劑量為400IU。 Treehouse的兒童維生素D3咀嚼片是讓兒童攝取維生素D的最簡單方法。天然莓果口味小朋友都喜歡! 藥用成份 每粒咀嚼片含: 維生素D3(膽鈣化醇)10微克(400國際單位) 非藥用成分 木糖醇,天然草莓味,蔬菜年級硬脂酸鎂(潤滑劑),胡蘿蔔。 用法用量 3歲以上兒童和青少年:每日咀嚼1-2粒或遵醫囑。請將本品放在兒童接觸不到的地方。
$8.50 $10.00
產品介紹 兒童需要維生素D來維持正常的生長和發育。維生素D缺乏癥的兒童非常多,維生素D主要靠陽 光在皮膚上形成,但在寒冷的北方,皮膚不能得到足夠的陽光照射,而夏天為了防曬皮膚又會被衣服遮蓋所以不能獲得足夠的陽光,所以兒童自身不能產生足夠的維 生素D。醫生建議,所有年齡階段的兒童都需要補充維生素D3。只有維生素D3是皮膚自然形成的,研究表明,陽光維生素D對鈣和磷吸收起到關鍵作用,是維護骨骼和牙齒生長的重要營養物質。同時維生素D對兒童心血管,免疫力和神經系統的發育都有良好幫助。美國兒童學會推薦每日攝取維生素D3劑量為400IU。 液體維生素D3是給0-13歲孩子的重要營養補充。它配備一個測量滴管,以便進行準確的計量。液體維生素D3可以直接服用或混入食物,以一種便捷的方式支持孩子的發展和長期的健康保健。 藥用成份 每次0.25毫升含有維生素D3(膽鈣化醇)10微克(400國際單位)。 非藥用成份 中鏈甘油三酯,亞麻籽油,D-α生育酚。 不含人工色素,防腐劑或甜味劑;乳品,澱粉,小麥或酵母。 用法用量 嬰幼兒和老年人:每次0.25毫升,每日1-2次或遵醫囑。...
$12.50 $14.50
Feature summary Turmeric and Bromelain help inflammatory conditions and help enhance digestion. Bromelain is an...
$4.95 $5.75
Feature summary Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin) is a water-soluble vitamin necessary for energy production; for nervous...
$9.85 $11.50
Feature summary Methylcobalamin is the most active form of vitamin B12 and has been shown...
$9.85 $11.50
Feature summary Methylcobalamin is the coenzyme form of vitamin B12 which supports the healthy structure...
$9.85 $11.50
Feature summary B12 is essential for healthy red blood cells and for utilization of iron....
$5.50 $6.25
Feature summary Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) is necessary for protein metabolism, energy production and normal nervous...
$7.50 $8.50
Feature summary Together B6, B12 and folic acid have been found to reduce levels of...
$7.00 $8.25
Feature summary Together B6, B12 and folic acid have been found to reduce levels of...
$4.65 $5.50
Feature summary Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) is necessary for protein metabolism, energy production and normal nervous...
$9.75 $11.00
The "Body Ready" Vitamin C Unlike other mammals which can produce vitamin C internally, humans...
$5.50 $6.50
Feature summary Both vitamins C and D are necessary for optimal immune function and better...
$18.50 $21.25
Benefits: Helps in wound healing. RECOMMENDED USE OR PURPOSE: A factor in the normal development...
$9.50 $10.75
Benefits: Vitamin C is a factor in the normal development and maintenance of bones, cartilage,...
$11.00 $12.50
An antioxidant for the maintenance of good health. Helps in the development and maintenance of...
$5.50 $6.50
Feature summary Vitamin C is vital for optimum health. It is the body's primary antioxidant,...
$1.75 $2.00
Feature summary Since its discovery in 1928, vitamin C has been recognized as an essential...
$5.50 $6.50
Feature summary Vitamin C is the body's primary antioxidant, an immune system booster and it...
$5.50 $6.50
Feature summary Vitamin C is the body's primary antioxidant, an immune system booster and it...
$5.50 $6.50
Feature summary Vitamin C is necessary for optimal immune function and better health. As it...
$5.50 $6.50
Feature summary Vitamin C is necessary for optimal immune function and better health. As it...
$5.50 $6.50
Feature summary Vitamin C is known for its antioxidant and infection-fighting properties. It is an...
$5.50 $6.50
Feature summary Vitamin C is crucial to the immune system and cardiovascular health. It also...
$5.00 $5.75
An important factor in the prevention of bone loss in men and women. Vitamin D...
$4.25 $4.80
Feature summary Vitamin D3 Chewable Berry Flavour is a quick, fun way to give kids...
$6.25 $7.25
Feature summary There is an epidemic of vitamin D deficiency, according to recent studies....
$6.25 $7.25
Feature summary Babies and growing children require vitamin D for normal growth and development and to build...
$6.25 $7.25
Feature summary Increased recommendations for Canadian adults under the age of 50 —1000 IU daily!...
$6.25 $7.25
Feature summary Increased recommendations for Canadian adults under the age of 50 —1000 IU daily!...
$4.25 $4.80
Feature summary Increased recommendations for Canadian adults under the age of 50 —1000 IU daily!...
$6.25 $7.25
Feature summary Vitamin D is well known for its role in building strong bones and...
$6.50 $7.50
Sustained Release. Aids Calcium and Phosphorus Absorption To strengthen bones and prevent serious ailments like...
$12.25 $14.25
Vitamin supplement for the maintenance of good health. An antioxidant for the maintenance of good...
$10.30 $12.00
Feature summary A combination of the most well-researched and powerful antioxidants, E+3 is a convenient...
$12.50 $14.25
Feature summary Protects other vitamins (such as vitamins A and C) from oxidation. It also...
$16.50 $19.00
RECOMMENDED USE OR PURPOSE: An antioxidant for the maintenance of good health. MEDICINAL INGREDIENT -...
$10.30 $12.00
Feature summary Vitamin E is the premier nutrient for checking and disarming health threatening free...
$7.65 $9.00
Feature summary Vitamin K1 and D3 is a combination for those who have trouble eating...
$9.85 $11.35
Feature summary This research-based combination helps to improve bone density and cardiovascular health. Vitamin K2...
$359.80 $459.80
Benefits Promotes healthy brain function Promotes cardiovascular health Promotes healthy blood circulation Promotes healthytriglycerides levels...