$20.50 $23.50
Feature summary NEM Natural Eggshell Membrane provides the fastest, most effective natural solution for relieving...
$11.50 $13.25
One Daily Super High Potency Multi-vitamin What is your nutritional credit rating? Are you constantly...
$25.25 $29.00
Source of omega 3 fatty acids (EPA & DHA) for the maintenance of good health....
$24.50 $28.25
Source of omega 3 fatty acids (EPA & DHA) for the maintenance of good health....
$25.25 $29.00
Source of omega 3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA) for the maintenance of good health....
$13.00 $15.00
Feature summary Omega 3-6-9 contains a balanced blend of essential fatty acids (EFAs) that help...
$13.00 $15.00
Feature summary Finding it difficult to keep bad LDL cholesterol in check but hesitating to...
$16.75 $19.50
Feature summary Heart disease is the leading cause of death in Canada, accounting for at...
$16.75 $19.50
Feature summary Omega–3 Emotions™ is specially formulated with a high EPA content to promote mood-elevation...
$16.75 $19.50
Feature summary Choosing the right foods and nutrients to support our health is essential. Ensuring...
$13.00 $15.00
Feature summary A high quality wild fish oil product containing standardized levels of omega-3 fatty...
$16.75 $19.25
Feature summary 100% Vegetarian Omega-3 is a high potency source of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and...
$16.75 $19.50
Feature summary Ensure your kids get the Omega-3 fatty acids essential for growth as well...
$13.00 $15.00
Feature summary Omega-3 is an essential fatty acid (EFA) your body needs to build...
$14.00 $16.00
Feature summary Omega-3 Super Concentrate with Vitamin D from webber naturals offers 600 mg of...
$14.00 $16.00
Feature summary Canadian processed and super concentrated made from Omega-3 Super Concentrate, (EPA 400, DHA...
$16.75 $19.50
Feature summary SuperVision® Plus Omega-3 and Lutein is a unique formula of natural compounds known...
$16.75 $19.50
Feature summary This is a unique blend of omega-3 fatty acids designed to provide maximum...
$13.00 $15.00
產品介紹 Feature summary 本品是一款高質量的野生魚油產品,富含Omega-3脂肪酸。來自於深海冷水域的野生魚類含有非常豐富的Omega-3營養元素,且擁有天然合理的比例。我們的野生魚油是藥房等級的高純度高功效產品。 藥用成份 Medicinal ingredients 每粒含: 野生鮭魚和魚油* (鳳尾魚,沙丁魚及/或鯖魚) 1000毫克 提供: 二十碳五烯酸(EPA) 二十二碳六烯酸(DHA)*分子蒸餾,超純化。...
$13.00 $15.00
Feature summary Boost healthy aging by making dietary and lifestyle choices that support the health of...
$13.75 $15.75
Multimineral supplement. Helps in the development and maintenance of bones and teeth. Your body needs...
$16.00 $18.50
INGREDIENTS: Olea Europaea (Olive) Fruit Oil, Origanum minutiflorum, Tocopherol. SUGGESTED USE - ADULTS ONLY: Add...
$13.50 $15.75
Feature summary Organic ChiaNutra™ contains high quality chia seeds from the plant Salvia hispanica. Chia...
$10.50 $12.00
產品介紹 加拿大原裝Organika(ISO、GMP質量雙認證)95%精華無酒精型天然蜂膠滴劑,具有增加免疫能力,預防感冒,抑制細菌病毒生長,緩解上呼吸道疾病如咽喉炎,扁桃腺炎,急慢性鼻炎,支氣管炎,哮喘,緩解牙齦膿腫,口腔炎,聲音沙啞,緩解抗癌藥物的副作用,例如骨髓機能低下,白血球減少,掉發,緩解皮膚病,濕疹,乾癬,皰疹,青春痘,皮膚過敏等等。此外,還可抑制不正常細胞的繁殖,從而保護人體內組織和器官的正常功能。同時對糖尿病、高血壓有很強的療效,並能夠抗氧化、抗炎、尤其是對哮喘、感冒、潰瘍,腸炎、更年期綜合癥有很大幫助,對癌細胞和艾滋病毒也有抵制作用。還能幫助患者恢復元氣,增強體質,提高抗病能力。 產品特色 * 吸收率是膠囊的數倍。可外用於粉刺、刀傷、燙傷等,或口腔潰瘍、 牙周、牙齦炎等的消炎止痛。酌情滴3—5滴於患處。* 蜂膠含有高含量復合維生素B以及其它4種以上的維生素,包括維生素A,E和C* 含有高類黃酮,礦物質和微量元素* 是一種天然抗生素 藥用成分 每毫升含蜂膠 - 167毫克...
$11.75 $13.50
During salmon off-season, our consumption of wild salmon is often reduced. Consequently, we are not...
$4.25 $5.00
Feature summary Papaya Enzymes, with Bromelain & Amylase, from papaya fruit, help the body digest...
$8.25 $9.50
Traditionally used as a digestive aid, for the relief of flatulence and/or bloating due to...
$9.50 $11.00
Feature summary Peppermint conjures up thoughts of a candy canes, throat lozenges or digestive teas...
$21.75 $25.00
Feature summary Feel good about eating again! Wherever you go! Main selling features Reduces...
$21.75 $25.00
Feature summary PGX Daily Singles contain unflavoured PGX granules that can be mixed easily with...
$21.75 $25.00
Feature summary Feel good about eating again! Wherever you go! Main selling features Reduces...
$2.75 $3.00
Feature summary The PGX Satisfast Organic Vegan 15 g Protein Bar is USDA Organic certified,...
$15.75 $18.00
Feature summary The PGX Satisfast Organic Vegan 15 g Protein Bar is USDA Organic certified,...
$21.75 $25.00
Feature summary Feel full longer, control appetite and help blood sugar balance with webber naturals...
$21.75 $25.00
Feature summary Feel full longer, control appetite and help blood sugar balance with webber naturals...
$39.25 $45.25
Promotes eye health in people with normal tension glaucoma. Our eyes work harder today than...
$13.00 $15.00
Benefits Traditionally used in Herbal Medicine RECOMMENDED USE OR PURPOSE: Traditionally used in Herbal Medicine...
$15.00 $17.25
Lower Your Cholesterol Scientific BackgroundHeart disease, including stroke, is a leading cause of death in...
$13.50 $15.50
Benefits: Natural Anti-microbial. RECOMMENDED USE OR PURPOSE: Natural Anti-microbial. MEDICINAL INGREDIENT - EACH SOFTGEL CAPSULE...
$4.25 $4.75
Feature summary Bifidobacteria are the most important bacteria in the large intestine. They lower the...
$24.50 $28.25
For the relief of urinary symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia. In benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH),...
$11.00 $13.00
Organika unites the antioxidant benefits of the Pagoda Tree (Sophorae japonica) with the nutritional benefits...
$11.75 $13.50
Feature summary Resveratrol is found naturally in a variety of plants such as red grapes...
$8.25 $9.50
Feature summary Is your schedule overflowing with work, school, and family activities? Could you use...
$8.25 $9.50
To help decrease fatigue associated with work-related stress. Excess or unfulfilling work, aging, poor quality...
$14.25 $16.50
Benefits: Riz.Strol plus is a unique blend of natural products that work together to manage...
$16.75 $19.50
Feature summary RoyalRed® Extra Strength Krill Oil Plus is a source of essential omega-3 fatty...
$16.75 $19.50
Feature summary RoyalRed™ Krill Oil contains 100% krill oil derived from Antarctic krill and is...