$6.25 $7.25
Feature summary Take plenty of calcium for strong teeth and bones! How often have we...
$8.50 $9.75
Feature summary Calcium Citrate with Vitamin D, 200 mg/160 IU from webber naturals® is the...
$10.25 $11.75
Feature summary Calcium Citrate 300 mg with 200 IUs of vitamin D is easier to...
$9.75 $11.25
Feature summary The citrate form of calcium or magnesium is easier to absorb than other...
$8.50 $9.75
Feature summary Take plenty of calcium for strong teeth and bones! How often have we...
$7.25 $8.25
Feature summary Take plenty of calcium for strong teeth and bones! How often have we...
$7.75 $9.00
Feature summary Calcium provides strong bone development during youth and the acquired bone density needed...
$7.75 $9.00
Feature summary Calcium provides strong bone development during the younger years and the acquired bone...
$10.00 $11.50
Feature summary Calcium intake provides strong bone development during the younger years and the acquired...
$10.00 $11.50
Feature summary Worried about osteoporosis, yet having a hard time swallowing those big calcium pills?...
$20.50 $23.50
Helps in the development and maintenance of bones and teeth. Calcium intake, when combined with...
$19.00 $21.75
Source of essential fatty acids for the maintenance of good health. Essential fatty acids (EFAs)...
$16.25 $18.75
產品介紹 鈣是人體中最豐富的礦物質之一,它來自不同食物來源,例如乳制品,綠葉蔬菜,堅果。研究表 明,兒童每日食物攝取的鈣並不能滿足他們增長的需求。只有達到保持健康骨量的峰值,才能保證今後患骨質疏松和骨質流失的風險小。兒童因為挑食,不良的飲食 習慣,糖,飲料攝取都可以消耗鈣的數量。每日補充鈣可以確保兒童吸收足夠的鈣質並建立堅強的骨骼和牙齒。 產品特色 * 檸檬酸鈣,碳酸鈣和維生素D3的高強組合 * 碳酸鈣容易被兒童和青少年吸收。 * 檸檬酸鈣更易被成人吸收,但兒童的胃酸更多,可消化碳酸鈣和檸檬酸鈣 * 不含鎂成份,因為鎂可能會影響兒童的胃部功能 * 維生素D3來自羊毛的羊毛脂...
$10.75 $12.50
Feature summary Getting enough calcium can be a challenge. Webber naturals® Liquid Calcium plus Vitamin...
$5.75 $6.75
Feature summary As much as 50% of the body’s magnesium is found in the bones,...
$24.50 $28.25
Source of omega 3 fatty acids (EPA & DHA) for the maintenance of good health....
$21.75 $25.00
Supports general health and bone health. Your body needs the mineral silicon for healthy development...
$7.75 $9.00
產品特點 鈣能幫助形成強健的骨骼和牙齒,保護牙齦健康,促進心律以及神經。同時也非常適用與年輕人群以及有消化問題的人群。鈣是成千上萬的身體機能,以及維護我們的骨骼和牙齒的強度的主要營養素。鈣用於維持骨密度,預防早期的骨質疏鬆症。本產品含有500毫克的鈣元,取自1300毫克的碳酸鈣。為保證足夠的鈣吸收,本產品需隨餐服用。 药用成份 每粒含 鈣 500 毫克 提煉自1300 毫克的牡蠣殼 非藥用成份 麥芽糖糊精,纖維素,塗料(羥丙基甲基纖維素,二氧化鈦,礦物油,檸檬酸三乙酯,吐溫80,巴西棕櫚蠟),硬脂酸,植物級硬脂酸鎂(潤滑劑),交聚維酮。
$8.50 $9.75
產品特點 檸檬酸形式的鈣或鎂比其他形式更易被人體吸收。據估計,40%的絕經婦女都有明顯的胃酸不足但大多數人並不知道。胃酸可以加強鈣吸收,檸檬酸鈣的形式則可以彌補胃酸不足。一般來說,胃酸缺乏的人進能吸收4%的鈣,而檸檬酸鈣則可吸收到45%。同時服用維生素D可以大大加強鈣吸收的能力。 鈣可以強健骨骼,牙齒和心臟功能。檸檬酸鈣可以被胃酸偏低的人更好的吸收。研究表明,檸檬酸鈣被吸收率極強,可以空腹服用。 主要作用 促进骨骼生長,保護牙齿健康,预防骨质疏松症 藥用成份 每粒含: 鈣 500 毫克 提煉自1300 mg 牡蠣貝殼 維生素 D3...