$21.75 $25.00
An antioxidant for the maintenance of good health. People with diabetes can suffer from various...
$21.75 $25.00
An antioxidant for the maintenance of good health. Oxidation is a natural and necessary process...
$16.25 $18.75
B vitamins to support metabolism, with herbal support for periods of stress. Stress, aging, active...
$15.00 $17.25
Multivitamin supplement: A factor in the maintenance of good health and to help the body...
$12.25 $14.25
產品介紹 SISU專為嬰幼兒設計的雙歧桿菌,安全有效易吸收。 新生兒出生後擁有完全無菌的腸道。出生後不久就細菌開始征服整個胃腸道系統,那些形成後的 細菌獨特而複雜的,"好"和"壞"的細菌的平衡對寶寶的健康是非常重要的。但是,嬰兒和幼兒的細菌平衡是很容易受到破壞混亂,特別是因為他們對未知事物的 好奇。例如,不幹凈、臟的手指放在口中、 疾病、 或抗生素的服用會導致益生菌、健康的菌群在腸道內會不堪重負,可迅速導致過多的有害菌。 這種不平衡會導致胃的不適,例如腹瀉,消化不良和降低免疫功能。益生菌的補充被證明是非常安全的,即使是易受傷害的嬰幼兒,是一種簡單有效,以幫助防止腸胃道問題、 增強抵禦能力的和恢複胃腸道的健康。 產品特點 * 幫助促進消化,增加寶寶從食物中營養的攝取 * 對結腸健康和免疫系統健康的起到非常大的幫助 *...
$13.75 $15.75
Traditionally used to help relieve menopausal symptoms. Helps to relieve premenstrual symptoms. Traditionally used to...
$12.25 $14.25
Helps to reduce the risk of antibiotic-associated diarrhea. For optimal health, we need a healthy...
$25.75 $29.75
Helps in the development and maintenance of bones and teeth. Calcium intake, when combined with...
$16.25 $18.75
Helps in the development and maintenance of bones and teeth. Calcium intake, when combined with...
$17.75 $20.25
Helps in the development and maintenance of bones and teeth. Calcium intake, when combined with...
$9.50 $11.00
Helps in the development and maintenance of bones and teeth. Calcium intake, when combined with...
$9.50 $11.00
Helps in the development and maintenance of bones and teeth. Calcium intake, when combined with...
$16.25 $18.75
Multivitamin and mineral supplement that helps in the development of bones and teeth. Calcium is...
$11.00 $12.50
Helps to support healthy blood sugar levels. Diets rich in sugars are damaging because these...
$9.50 $11.00
Provides support for healthy blood glucose metabolism. Helps to support insulin action. May help to...
$13.50 $5.75
Helps to support and maintain cardiovascular health. An antioxidant for the maintenance of good health....
$9.50 $11.00
Helps to support and maintain cardiovascular health. An antioxidant for the maintenance of good health....
$11.25 $13.00
Helps to support and maintain cardiovascular health. An antioxidant for the maintenance of good health....
$12.25 $14.25
Vitamin and mineral supplement with echinacea to help fight off infections, especially of the upper...
$21.75 $25.00
For the relief of cold and flu symptoms and of upper respiratory tract infection. The...
$12.25 $14.25
Helps the body to metabolize carbohydrates, fats and proteins. A factor in the maintenance of...
$20.50 $23.50
Helps in the development and maintenance of bones and teeth. Calcium intake, when combined with...
$13.75 $15.75
Helps to prevent recurrent urinary tract infections. Stress, pregnancy, and the use of drugs such...
$13.75 $15.75
Probiotic that contributes to a natural healthy gut flora. For optimal health, we need a...
$25.50 $29.25
Probiotic that contributes to a natural healthy gut flora. For optimal health, we need a...
$24.50 $28.25
Probiotic that contributes to a natural healthy gut flora. For optimal health, we need a...
$13.75 $15.75
產品介紹 嬰兒出生的時候整個腸道是完全無菌的。出生後不久,細菌就開始在整個腸胃道系統中開始蔓 延,形成獨特的,複雜的混合好與壞細菌,對人體的健康非常關鍵。不幸的是,對於新生兒尤其是在他們探索世界的過程中,例如吃手,將髒東西放入口中都會導致 細菌進入身體,造成胃部不適,腹瀉或者消化能力減退以及免疫力下降。補充益生菌已被證明是一種安全而又簡單有效的方法。有助於預防和修複兒童腸道問題。 產品特點 * 有助於促進食物中營養物質的吸收和消化* 腸道健康和免疫系統健康的重要因素* 50%的雙歧桿菌* 雙歧桿菌對抗病原體的和促進腸道健康* 乳酸桿菌可以增加兒童免疫系統,當他們長大後,雙歧桿菌產生人體所需的維生素和提高整體消化* 體積小,易於咀嚼 藥用成份 每粒咀嚼片含:嬰兒雙歧桿菌(M-63) 10億CFU*嗜酸乳桿菌(HA-122) ...
$20.50 $23.50
Traditional herbal remedy for insomnia. Sufficient sleep is essential for immune health and overall health....
$16.25 $18.75
Source of omega-3 fatty acids to help maintain cardiovascular health. Essential fatty acids (EFAs) are...
$20.50 $23.50
Oxidation is a natural and necessary process in which cells are broken down or converted...
$16.25 $18.75
Helps in the development and maintenance of bones, cartilage, teeth and gums. An antioxidant for...
$8.25 $9.50
Helps in the development and maintenance of bones, cartilage, teeth and gums. An antioxidant for...
$16.25 $18.75
A daily, rehydrating vitamin drink mix. Multi vitamin and mineral supplement. A factor in the...
$21.75 $25.00
Helps to support a healthy immune system. For the maintenance of good health. Vitamin C...
$15.25 $17.75
產品介紹 本品屬於抗氧化營養補充劑,有助堅固骨骼、牙齒、牙齦,維護身體健康。 維生素C是一種水溶性抗氧化劑,是最為大家熟悉的營養元素之一。大多數哺乳動物都能自身產生維生素C,但人類沒有這種能力,所以我們需要確保攝取足夠的維生素C來維持身體健康。維生素C存在於水果和蔬菜中,但在加熱,烹飪,加工,和儲存過程中都會被破壞。維生素C最為人所知的是通過促進白細胞功能以加強免疫系統的健康。維生素C也有助於膠原蛋白的形成,對牙齒,骨骼,軟骨的形成和保護也至關重要。此外,維生素C還有助於減少體內組胺的釋放,從而減輕過敏癥狀。維生素C有許多的存在形式,脂化維生素C更容易被孩子吸收。 產品特色 * 酯化維生素C是一個獨特的抗壞血酸鈣形式* 提供每日所需的鈣含量* 酯化維生素C含有活性維生素C的代謝產物,包括L-蘇糖酸鈣,從而加強細胞的吸收和保留* 酯化維生素C持續長達24小時的白血細胞免疫系統* 酸性較低,對胃部刺激較小* 已被臨床證明,酯化維生素C比其它形式維生素C有更高的生物利用度和保留率* 三種天然口味:柑橘,莓果和橙子 藥用成份 每粒咀嚼片含:維生素C......
$17.75 $20.25
Vitamin C is a factor in the maintenance of good health, wound healing and in...
$29.75 $34.25
Supports immune health during periods of physical stress. We need a strong immune system to...
$13.75 $15.75
For the maintenance of good health. A factor in the normal development and maintenance of...
$19.00 $21.75
Source of essential fatty acids for the maintenance of good health. Essential fatty acids (EFAs)...
$13.75 $15.75
Source of essential fatty acids for the maintenance of good health. The body has an...
$5.50 $6.50
Helps prevent neural tube defects when taken prior to becoming pregnant and during early pregnancy....
$5.50 $6.50
Helps to produce red blood cells and maintain good health. Helps to prevent neural tube...
$18.25 $21.00
Helps support cognitive health and brain function. Helps support and maintain cardiovascular health. Adding omega...
$13.75 $15.75
Helps to maintain cardiovascular health. Traditionally used to treat symptoms of upper respiratory tract infections....
$7.00 $8.00
A factor in the maintenance of good health; Helps to form red blood cells and...
$17.75 $20.25
Aids in the enhancement of memory, cognitive as well as peripheral vascular circulatory functions. The...
$32.50 $37.50
Helps to relieve pain of osteoarthritis. Effective in reducing bone and joint pain. Helps in...
$13.75 $15.75
Helps to relieve the pain of osteoarthritis. A factor in the building of healthy cartilage....