Complete Digestive Enzymes, Blister-Packed, 60 capsules

Feature summary

Complete Digestive Enzymes from webber naturals® are full-spectrum enzymes - meaning this formula helps the body break down a wide variety of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Enzymes speed up chemical reactions in the body. Besides digestion, injuries and inflammation may also benefit from increased enzyme activity. If enzymes are not adequately present during digestion, some food particles can remain too large to be absorbed and can cause intestinal irritation, gas and abdominal cramping.

Main selling features

  • Full-spectrum enzyme formula
  • Aid to better digestion

Medicinal ingredients

Each Capsule Contains:
For Carbohydrate Digestion:
Amylase (Aspergillus oryzae/Aspergillus niger) 63 mg (6300 DU)
Cellulase (Trichoderma reesei) 18 mg (90 CU)
Lactase (Aspergillus oryzae) 5.75 mg (290 ALU)
Maltase (Aspergillus oryzae) 10 mg (30 DP)
Sucrase (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) 2 mg (20 INVU)
Hemicellulase (Trichoderma reesei) 10 mg (100 HCU)
For Protein Digestion:
Protease (Fungal: Aspergillus oryzae/Apergillus niger) 55 mg (22,100 HUT)
Protease (Bacterial: Bacillus subtilis) 5 mg (2400 PC)
Bromelain (Ananas comosus) (stem) 50 mg (750 PU)
Papain (Carica papaya) (fruit) 12.5 mg (225 USP)
For Fat Digestion:
Lipase (Aspergillus niger/Candida rugosa) 31.25 mg (250 LU)
ALU: Acid Lactase Unit; CU: Cellulase Unit; DP: Diastatic Power; DU: Dextrinizing Unit; HCU: Hemicellulase Unit; HUT: Hemoglobin Unit on the Tyrosine Basis; INVU: Invertase Unit; LU: Lipase Unit; PC: Protease Unit; PU: Papain Unit; USP: United States Pharmacopeia

Non-medicinal ingredients

Gelatin capsule (gelatin, purified water),microcrystalline cellulose.

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